Commercial Real Estate News

If you own or are developing real estate, loans can be lifesavers. And nine times out of 10, they’re a must.

A commercial real estate loan is a borrowed sum of cash used to help finance a commercial property. This can include buying, remodeling, building or rebuilding said property, and covers non-residential real estate such as offices, hotels, warehouses, hospitals and more. It also includes vacant property or land where you can construct your buildings.

It might be time to put some pep into your office’s step.

As the concept of what a “workplace” is evolves, it’s important to keep up with trends and expectations of what an office environment should provide. An upgraded, modern office design can foster employee loyalty and productivity by creating an environment your workers want to work in. And those are just a few of the benefits of a workplace facelift.

Here are six office space design trends to consider for 2023:

You’re probably familiar with the title of “commercial property manager,” but what exactly does a commercial property manager do?

The short answer is that a commercial property manager oversees the day-to-day operations of a property you’ve invested in. This includes budgeting, managing maintenance, collecting rent and filling vacancies, among other duties.

To rent, or to buy? That’s the eternal question.

Deciding whether to rent your new office space or purchase it outright is one of the biggest questions any business owner will need to answer. Leasing a business premises comes with both benefits and drawbacks, and understanding both lists will go a long way toward helping you make an informed decision.

A strong lease agreement will mean a lot for your business.

An ideal lease will keep you and your venture protected and set up for future success. Securing a lease with best-case-scenario benefits means rolling up your sleeves, reading and re-reading your lease, and being prepared to negotiate.

Here are five tips to keep in mind when negotiating a commercial lease for your office space.

Property management doesn’t have to be a road you walk alone.

After all, keeping up with the demands of your business is time-consuming enough. Partnering with a property management company is a great way to ensure that your real estate is maintained by professionals, from repairs and tenant management to storage and accounting.